Define-Use Testing

A little while ago we learned how Define-Use Testing works as well as how to use it ourselves. However at the time, it still confused me a bit and I wasn’t really sure what it was used for. After reviewing the previous work we’ve done and coming back across this topic, I realized that I still didn’t fully understand what was going on. I decided to look further into it and to do some research in order to understand it more. As a result, I found a website called testsigma which I believe does a really good job at explaining what Define-Use case testing is, its advantages and its disadvantages, and when to use it.

With the website’s help, I’m going to explain everything that you need to know about Define-Use case testing in order to understand it and to know when to use it. As for what a use-case itself is, the website states “The concept of a Use Case can be likened to a real-life scenario in which users and their objectives are present. A Use Case outlines the events unfolding when these users interact with the system to achieve their objectives. The Use Case allows for a thorough understanding of the overall behavior and functionality of the system from the user’s point of view.” Essentially this means that a Use Case shows all of the decisions that were made while the user was trying to achieve their outcome, allowing you to understand all of the behavior and functionality from the user’s perspective. Use Case Testing was designed to make sure that the system that is currently being tested meets all of the expectations. It essentially simulates different real-life scenarios in order to make sure the software does everything that it is supposed to. While the website gives a lot of different advantages and disadvantages of Use Case testing, I’m just going to list a few. Some advantages include helping to identify and validate the functional requirements of a system or software, explaining how the software will be used in real-world scenarios, and helping uncover potential defects. Some disadvantages include it could be time-consuming and require a lot of effort, it may not cover all scenarios which could leave to gaps in test coverage, and it relies on the accuracy of the use case documentation. As for when to use Use Case testing, the website gives a checklist which I found to be extremely useful in my understanding of when to use it. I’m really glad I found this website as it further helped my understanding of the topic, and it has helped me prepare for my final exam. The checklist states:

“1. Review the software requirements, specifications, design documentation, and use case scenarios. 

2. Identify the possible scenarios related to the use case. 

3. Determine the functional requirements of the use case. 

4. Create test cases for each possible use case scenario. 

5. Define the expected results of the use case scenarios. 

6. Execute the test cases and compare them with the expected results. 

7. Retest the fixes after identifying failed test cases. 

8. Check for exceptions and errors for each use case scenario. 

9. Verify compliance and security requirements for each use case scenario. 

10. Monitor the system’s overall functionality across use scenarios. 

11. Validate the overall system performance with user expectations”

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