Unit Testing With JUnit

During these first few weeks of class, we have been talking about JUnit and how it has features that allow us to test our code. We mainly talked about annotating methods to use as test cases as well as different assertions from Java and third-party libraries in order to help determine if a test was successful. While we kept using it throughout the week in order to help us test our code, I wasn’t exactly sure what JUnit actually was. Luckily when I was doing some research on it, I came across a blog on Parasoft by Nathan Jakubiak which gave a lot of useful information on what unit testing is, what JUnit is, as well as how to set up JUnit testing and to write different tests. I think that Jakubiak gave great descriptions as to what each of them are and what they are used for.

Firstly, he stated “Unit testing is a form of white box testing in which test cases are based on internal structure. The tester chooses inputs to exercise particular paths through the code and configures assertions that validate the output. The purpose of unit testing is to examine the individual components or pieces of methods/classes to verify functionality, ensuring the behavior is as expected.” This means that unit testing is a type of testing where test cases are created based on certain parts of the program that you want to test, rather than testing the entire code in one test. For JUnit testing, Jakubiak stated “JUnit is the most popular Java unit testing framework. An open-source framework, it’s used to write and run repeatable automated tests.” Essentially he is just letting us know that it is an open-sourced framework that allows us to run different tests for our code. In his blog he also talks about how to set up JUnit testing which I personally don’t understand, probably because I just started working with it. However later in his blog he talks about all of the different parts of a JUnit test and how to write them. He also gave examples for some of the different parts, such as annotations, which I found to be really helpful in my understanding of the subject. I chose this Jakubiak’s blog because in all of the research I did on the topics of JUnit and Unit Testing, his blog did the best job of explaining them and overall gave me a much better understanding of the topics.

Link: https://www.parasoft.com/blog/junit-tutorial-setting-up-writing-and-running-java-unit-tests/

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