Boundary Value Testing

Recently in class we have been learning about different testing methods, including boundary value testing. Boundary value testing allows us to test functions using the boundaries, otherwise known as the maximum and minimum values that are considered valid inputs. On top of that, we also use nominal values, or values that are in the middle of the the maximum and minimum values. We also use the values right above the minimum and right below the maximum in order to see how the function behaves around the edges of the valid inputs. We input one variable’s nominal value with the other variable’s five major values (minimum, just above minimum, nominal, just below maximum, maximum) and we see what the out put is. We then reverse the variables and repeat the process. That way, we know which variable fails and why. This is known as Single Fault Assumption using Normal Boundary Value Testing. On top of this, we also have Robust Boundary Value Testing which is the same thing, but includes the value just below the minimum and just above the maximum. Each of these types of Boundary Value Testing have two subtypes, weak and strong. Basically, weak contains less test cases and only tests each equivalence class once, while strong has more test cases and tests each equivalence class multiple times.

An article that I think does a great job explaining exactly what Boundary Value Testing is, how it works, and what it does, is called “Software Testing – Boundary Value Analysis.” I really enjoyed reading this article because it goes more in depth as to why we use this testing method, as well as giving examples as to how each are used. The article mentions how Boundary Value Testing is a type of black-box testing, which is a type of general testing method that I learned about a lot earlier in this semester. I think that it was really cool to be able to draw a line between two things I learned in order to see how they are connected, as well as how I will use them during the future, especially during my career in computer science. It also shows what the difference between valid and invalid inputs are, as well as how these inputs can be used during the testing process itself. In these examples, it lists a bunch of different test cases with each of the variables and what the output of the function will be. Personally, I think that this article is a great resource and I plan on using it as a refresher whenever I need to work on something involving this type of testing method.


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